Mentoring on ADPList

Helping students, tech workers, and career switchers with all kinds of stuff!

Published:Feb 2024 - Now

Opening up my Calendar

In the beginning of 2024, I decided to join ADPList as a mentor for anyone looking for tech career help! Until then, I'd been doing some mentoring in my own ways - I had a discord channel where I moderated a group of 20-30 folks learning how to code in bootcamps, self-taught journies, college programs, etc., and even some people practicing for tech interviews, aspiring UX designers, and more. It was super fun, but it was a bit hard to keep up with in an unstructured way.

I saw some folks in my LinkedIn network joining ADPList and remembered that it existed, and thought, "Hey! This could be a nice way to manage my mentoring time with clearer boundaries." I signed up, and opened up my calendar for a few hours one day a week in perpetuity.

What I've been up to!

To my surprise, I immediately got some bookings and have been going pretty steady with sessions every week, and it's been SO much fun meeting and helping great people. As a design technologist / UX engineer / design engineer (holy cow can we decide on one name lol), I've focused on offering help to people interested in UX/frontend careers. Gotta stay in your lane. Here's some stuff I've done so far:

  • Helping career-switchers structure their learning so they focus on the important things as they try to break into tech
  • Doing resume and portfolio reviews for more junior designers and engineers
  • Demystifying the 'UX Engineer'/'Design Technologist' niche and what type of things we do
  • Helping current engineers and designers figure out how to be more savvy in one of the other respective disciplines
  • Motivating and encouraging people who need a little pep in their step 😁

I've got some great reviews from my mentees so far, which has been great validation that I'm really actually helping them out. I've scored a few of those cool badges in my short time too, like:

  • Top 10 Mentors in Frontend Engineering
  • Top 100 Mentors in UX Engineering

Maybe they're just vanity metrics lol but kinda cool to be making a splash, even if it's a tiny one!

Let's do a session! 😎

Looking for mentorship, a review of your portfolio/resume, a little encouragement on this crazy career journey you're on, or more? Come and find me on ADPList and signup on my calendar. Can't wait to meet with you!

I'm on ADPList!
I'm on ADPList!

Cheers, Branon